Information on the holiday reflection challenge coming soon, please check back!
Information on the holiday reflection challenge coming soon, please check back!
At our February meeting we discussed color theory, and composing photos that show examples of various color models and color palettes.
1. Use your color chip that was handed out to you at the meeting as your starting point. If you were not at the meeting, and you need one, please contact Luke and he will get one to you.
2. Select a color goal you want to photograph:
3. Compose and shoot your photo using the color that was assigned to you. You’ll need to be able to describe which color model you chose when you present your photo.
4. Email your image to Luke by Friday, March 10
5. Be prepared to discuss your challenge at our March meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
Examples of the color theory models we discussed are all featured here in this slideshow:
This month, we’re working with cheap props to imagine a shot, set up the scene, and then photograph the results. The only rule is that your props should be very cheap, or free.
You’re not limited to what kind of prop you use. As we discussed at our January workshop, some suggested prop ideas include:
Here are some of the examples of photos using the props listed above, that we looked at during the workshop:
At our November meeting we talked about how all creative solutions come from inspiration. What inspires you? Where do you get inspiration?
Your photo challenge for January:
• Make a list of things that inspire you. This can be anything and everything!
• Narrow your list down to four topics of inspiration that really stand out to you.
• Search for images that represent those four topics—this is where you “fill your glass” with inspiration.
• Now choose one of the four topics in your list, and create an inspired photo
• Based on what you learned, what you found, create your own photo from things that gave you ideas.
Submit your image via email to Luke by January 6, 2023:
Include “4-H Photography submission” in your email subject line, and include your full name so I know who is submitting the photo.
At our January meeting, be prepared to talk about your inspiration list, and the photo you created.
Wednesday April 20, 2022 4:45 p.m.
Downstairs meeting room at St. John’s Lutheran Church
1000 Helena Avenue (Across from Helena Middle School)
We will be doing a final check-in before the Photo Show. If your photos are ready to go, you may bring your work to the meeting. If you’re not ready, you can email a photo to Luke to feature in a slideshow to discuss your work. Remember your photos must be in a black frame with a white matte, and include the following:
Please carefully review the Photo Show page to make sure you’ve met all the criteria for the show. Additional details on how you can drop off your photos at the Holter are also included.
Our next workshop will be Wednesday, March 23 at 4:45 p.m. in the downstairs meeting room of St. John’s Lutheran Church. We will be reviewing some of the photos you are considering exhibiting in the Photo Show. We’ll also discuss cropping, framing, matting and preparing your photos for display. In the meantime, keep attending 4-H events, and take lots of photos!
With the completion of Activities 1-8, you are halfway through the project book! We’re now going to take a break from the project books and put our creative energy toward the 2022 Photo Show.
Please review the Photo Show web page for details on the event, and your assignment to cover 4-H.
2022 4-H Photo Show >>
Your third challenge of the 4-H Year is to plan and capture the best black & white photo you can take. Here some tips to keep in mind as you compose your shot:
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