Wednesday April 20, 2022 4:45 p.m.
Downstairs meeting room at St. John’s Lutheran Church
1000 Helena Avenue (Across from Helena Middle School)
We will be doing a final check-in before the Photo Show. If your photos are ready to go, you may bring your work to the meeting. If you’re not ready, you can email a photo to Luke to feature in a slideshow to discuss your work. Remember your photos must be in a black frame with a white matte, and include the following:
- Wire mounted on the back of your frame for hanging
- Your Name, Age and 4-H Club
- A short caption with details about your photo and explaining your image in a 4-H context.
Please carefully review the Photo Show page to make sure you’ve met all the criteria for the show. Additional details on how you can drop off your photos at the Holter are also included.