Our annual 4-H Photo Show is rapidly approaching! To help you prepare what you want to exhibit this year, this photo challenge seeks to push you out of your comfort zone, put in a little extra effort, and get a better photo.
“The best way to learn photography is to take pictures.”
- Take photos that represent some aspect of your 4-H experience
- Take lots of photos so that you don’t just settle for your first image
- Lots of photos will help you to have perspective and flexibility in choosing what you feel is your BEST image.
- Get out of your comfort zone—don’t take “easy” shots—push yourself by trying different angles and perspectives. Put your imagination and creativity to work!
- Email what you feel is your best shot from this exercise to Luke by Sunday, March 16. Email to: elementl@icloud.com with the subject line 4-H Photo, and include your name.
Your 4-H Experience photo can be any of these things: a self portrait; a photo of a 4-H event; a photo of one of your 4-H projects; or a symbolic 4-H that represents what 4-H means to you.
The only rule is that YOU have to take the photo.
Remember, this exercise is to challenge you to really push yourself to get great photos—you need to put work and effort in to this.
Here are examples of decent shots, and how they can be better shots:
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