2025 4-H Photo Show
On display May 9 – June 8, 2025
Opening Reception Thursday, May 8, 2025
5:00 to 7:00 p.m. • Holter Museum of Art
Open to everyone, we will have a 4-H photography workshop about the Photo Show on Thursday, March 20, 2025. We’ll review images, explain the guidelines to participate in the Photo Show, and answer any questions. This meeting is open to all 4-H’ers, regardless of whether you are enrolled in the 4-H photography project or not.
This is a Lewis & Clark County 4-H event— 4-H members who are not enrolled in the Photography project may also participate in the Photo Show. This is an exhibition and showcase, and not a judged event. Photo submissions must represent the stated theme and must conform to the technical requirements of display and framing. They must also include caption information submitted to Luke Duran, photography superintendent in advance. See submission details below:
Note: submissions that do not follow the guidelines and submission requirements will not be accepted or displayed.
Requirements to participate in the Photo Show:
- 4-H Photography and non-photography project members may exhibit only one image in the Photo Show.
- 4-H Photography members must be in attendance during the Opening Reception on May 8, 2025, and be available to talk with the public as they walk through the exhibit. The reception will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
- Lewis & Clark County 4-H members who are not enrolled in the 4-H Photography project may also display one photo in the exhibit, provided it is submitted in time, properly formatted and adheres to the theme and subject of this show (details below). A caption must also be emailed to Luke in advance. Non-photography members who participate in the Photo Show are also encouraged to attend the Opening Reception and the meeting on May 8.
2025 Photo Show Theme
We hope the 4-H Photo Show accomplishes four goals:
- Showcases the work and talent of 4-H photographers
- Connects the community to 4-H
- Tells the story of 4-H through 4-H members’ eyes and imagination, and demonstrates the 4-H experiential model of “learn by doing.”
- Communicates how 4-H is a beneficial youth organization that helps kids prepare for success.
“4-H: Beyond Ready”
The 2025 Photo Show theme is one interpretation of the national 4-H theme, 4-H: Beyond Ready. It is an exhibition of 4-H photographers who are demonstrating how 4-H helps them to tackle personal challenges like social anxiety and loneliness, and prepare them for careers, happiness, and success.
Photo exhibit details:
- Images may be in color or black & white.
- Photo must be presented in a simple black frame with glass and a white matte. NO exceptions.
- Photo must be a minimum size of 8″ x 10,” and no larger than 18″ x 24.” It can be either portrait or landscape orientation.
- Frames MUST include a hanging wire (preferred) or other hook on the back so that Holter staff can easily mount your photo
- Images must depict an element of your personal 4-H experience. This can include:
- a self-portrait
- an image of a 4-H event
- an image of one of your 4-H projects, or
- an image that is symbolic of your 4-H experience.
- Photo MUST be photographed by the exhibitor. (You can take a self-portrait or have a friend represent you in your image).
- A detailed caption must be emailed to Luke by Friday, May 2, 2025. See examples below.
- Every photo must include the following information, taped to the back of the frame:
- Your full name
- Your age
- Your 4-H Club
Photos that do not meet the eight criteria listed above will be rejected and will not be included in the exhibit.
Drop off your photos:
- Drop off your framed photo at the Holter Museum between Monday, May 5 to Wednesday, May 7 during museum business hours. Please let staff know who you are, and that you’re dropping off your image for the 4-H Photo Show:
- Holter hours – 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Example photos and captions that represent the 4-H: Beyond Ready theme
Name: Mara Johnson
Age: 13
Club: Park Hill Pioneers 4-H Club
Caption: Girls and young women don’t see examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media and popular culture. I used to feel anxious about talking about my interest in STEM stuff like programming, but when I joined the 4-H Robotics project, I found other kids like me who wanted to learn more. We’re going to be the leaders of the future, the revolutionaries of the future, the change makers of the future. But 4-H gives me the power to do all those things today.
Name: Jennifer Smith
Age: 16
Club: Horses n’ More 4-H Club
Caption: This is my fifth year in the 4-H Horse project. In 2025, I attended my first statewide 4-H Horse Show, and participated in the Western Horse Pattern competition. I won Second Place, but more importantly, I made friends from all across Montana, and felt like I was part of a larger community. 4-H gives me the perspective that I deserve happiness, and that I deserve to be exactly who I want to be.
Name: Corey Peterson
Age: 12
Club: Silver Mountain Stars 4-H Club
Caption: My parents kept telling me I was spending too much time playing video games, and at school, it was easier for me to just watch archery videos on my phone rather than make friends. Then one of my teachers suggested I try out the Archery project in 4-H. I love it! Now I have a great group of 4-H kids that I meet with every week, and we get to practice together. I never knew there was an activity like this for a kid like me. Now I’m seriously thinking about working at an archery shop so I can share my enthusiasm with others.
Name: Caleb Anderson
Age: 16
Club: Montana Motivators 4-H Club
Caption: Every single skill 4-H taught me isn’t about the hobby. It’s about pushing myself while learning how to manage myself. I’ve struggled with bouts of burnout in high school, but I never felt that way in 4-H. I learned how to balance stress, ask for help, and to tackle things in small pieces to avoid overwhelming myself. This is a stamp my grandfather shared with me. It reminds me that I’m part of a great organization much bigger than me, but I’ve found my place within it, because there’s something for everyone in 4-H.
Questions? Contact Luke at elementl@icloud.com